Showing 176 - 200 of 239 Results
Penal Codes of France, Germany, Belgium and Japan: Reports Prepared for the International Pr... by Barrows, Samuel June, Inter... ISBN: 9781296607418 List Price: $23.95
Baptist Meeting-House : The Staircase to the Old Faith; the Open Door to the New - Scholar's... by Barrows, Samuel June ISBN: 9781297400773 List Price: $25.75
Children's Courts in the United States: Their Origin, Development, and Results by Barrows, Samuel June, Inter... ISBN: 9781298665119 List Price: $24.95
Doom of the Majority of Mankind by Barrows, Samuel J. (Samuel ... ISBN: 9781361946046 List Price: $23.95
Criminal Insane in the United States and in Foreign Countries by Barrows, Samuel June, Inter... ISBN: 9781012627454 List Price: $19.95
Report of Proceedings of the Seventh International Prison Congress by Barrows, Samuel June ISBN: 9780526058341 List Price: $13.95
Sunny Life : The Biography of Samuel June Barrows by Barrows, Isabel Chapin ISBN: 9780526118885 List Price: $17.95
Doom of the Majority of Mankind by Barrows, Samuel June ISBN: 9780530152097 List Price: $13.95
Baptist Meeting-House : The Staircase to the Old Faith; the Open Door to the New by Barrows, Samuel June ISBN: 9780530550947 List Price: $14.95
The Doom of the Majority of Mankind by Samuel June Barrows ISBN: 9780530152103 List Price: $23.95
The Criminal Insane in the United States and in Foreign Countries by Samuel June Barrows ISBN: 9780469266643 List Price: $21.95
The Criminal Insane in the United States and in Foreign Countries by Samuel June Barrows ISBN: 9780469266643 List Price: $21.95
Criminal Insane in the United States and in Foreign Countries by Barrows, Samuel June ISBN: 9780469266636 List Price: $10.95
A Sunny Life: The Biography of Samuel June Barrows by Isabel Chapin Barrows ISBN: 9780526118892 List Price: $27.95
A Baptist Meeting-house: The Staircase to the Old Faith, the Open Door to the New by Samuel June Barrows ISBN: 9780469575547 List Price: $24.95
Report of Proceedings of the Seventh International Prison Congress by Samuel June Barrows ISBN: 9780526058358 List Price: $23.95
A Baptist Meeting-house: The Staircase To The Old Faith by Samuel June Barrows ISBN: 9781011229352 List Price: $24.95
The Criminal Insane in the United States and in Foreign Countries by Samuel June Barrows ISBN: 9781318651993 List Price: $9.95
Penal Codes of France, Germany, Belgium and Japan : Reports Prepared for the International P... by Barrows, Samuel June, Inter... ISBN: 9781017654349 List Price: $26.95
Prison Systems of the United States : Reports Prepared for the International Prison Commissi... by Barrows, Samuel June, Inter... ISBN: 9781018475738 List Price: $26.95
Prison Systems of the United States : Reports Prepared for the International Prison Commissi... by Barrows, Samuel June, Inter... ISBN: 9781018481265 List Price: $15.95
Penal Codes of France, Germany, Belgium and Japan : Reports Prepared for the International P... by Barrows, Samuel June, Inter... ISBN: 9780344300806 List Price: $39.95
Prison Systems of the United States : Reports Prepared for the International Prison Commissi... by Barrows, Samuel June, Inter... ISBN: 9780344334108 List Price: $22.95
Penal Codes of France, Germany, Belgium and Japan : Reports Prepared for the International P... by Barrows, Samuel June, Inter... ISBN: 9781017659818 List Price: $15.95
Children's Courts in the United States : Their Origin, Development, and Results by Barrows, Samuel June ISBN: 9781018230191 List Price: $27.95
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